
Its many benefits include a more hydrated, bright, plump, and clear complexion. Plus, it can also improve signs of aging. "The treatment reduces fine lines and wrinkles, increases firmness, evens tone, texture, and brown spots, as well as reduces enlarged pores,

HydraFacials are designed for all skin types
No matter your skin type or tone, HydraFacials cleanse, extract and hydrate to create a more radiant complexion. In other words, they’re ideal for a wide range of people and produce visible results almost immediately.

HydraFacials improve lots of skin conditions (and your confidence)
Not only are HydraFacials designed to improve skin health long-term, but they also make skin glow and work to minimize skin conditions like:

  • Fine lines and wrinkles
  • Pigmentation
  • Acne
  • Pore size
  • Oily skin and congestion

The versatility of a HydraFacial makes it one of my favorite treatments to perform,” says Gundersen skincare technician Kaylee Fox, Plastic Surgery. “With a specialized booster formula—see #3 below—we can treat almost every skin condition: fine lines, deeper wrinkles and dull or congested skin. Everyone deserves that ‘HydraFacial glow!

HydraFacials can be personalized
All HydraFacials work in three steps to 1) cleanse and exfoliate 2) extract impurities and 3) hydrate your skin—with the option to enhance your treatment with a potent booster that targets your skin’s specific needs. Depending on how you want to personalize your treatment, booster options can:

  • Brighten
  • Calm
  • Clarify
  • Hydrate
  • Firm
  • Restore
  • Smooth
  • Refine

HydraFacials don’t have downtime
You can return to normal activities immediately after a HydraFacial. This includes applying makeup. While some people may experience some redness or irritation for up to 72 hours, both are usually mild.

Note: Your skin is more susceptible to sunburn after a HydraFacial. Be sure to apply SPF!

HydraFacials are effective
Many people report their skin looks more refined and radiant almost immediately, with an improved appearance and hydration for up to seven days. With regular treatments, HydraFacials can improve a variety of skin conditions like wrinkles and brown spots over time, too. More importantly, HydraFacials are highly effective at improving your skin health overall.

HydraFacials help your skincare products work better
HydraFacials use a high-tech wand to gently extract impurities from your skin. The wand works like a vacuum to open pores and deep cleanse, which allows ingredients in your skincare products to penetrate deeper (this includes the active ingredients in any booster you may choose to enhance your HydraFacial).

HydraFacials are noninvasive
While HydraFacials involve deep exfoliation, they’re gentle on even sensitive skin. Many people find the soft pore-by-pore suctioning relaxing or calming.

HydraFacials are cost effective
Unlike some cosmetic services that can cost thousands of dollars,

“HydraFacials are like a 3-in-1 customized treatment, targeting multiple concerns at once,” says Gundersen skincare technician Olivia Caylor, Dermatology. “With alternate treatments it can take a couple of appointments to get the results you’re looking to achieve, whereas a HydraFacial can potentially achieve them quicker.